A statement of elegance and sophistication


A statement of elegance and sophistication

Find your shade, find your style

A true masterpiece, the sculptural, elegant and sophisticated design of the Around bathtub collection is distinguished by its iconic beauty that will catch the eye in any living space.

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  • IS_Multisuite_Bathtubs_Bro_BG-EN_English-Atelier;Conca;Around;Dea;TonicII
    Atelier Bathtubs

    A diverse selection of luxurious free-standing bathtubs - offering choice in both style, color and shape. This is the center of relaxation that one ultimately indulges.

  • IS_Multisuite_Multiproduct_Bro_BG_English;Atelier-collections-price-list;LT;LV;EE2024
    Atelier Collections Price list 2024

    Together we work to create a seamless connection between functional perfection and aesthetic beauty. This is what we call the Eternal Value of Design.

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